Planning an Oracle upgrade or looking for an alternative to Oracle UPK? Look no further than the uPerform digital learning platform. uPerform empowers users to become masters of Oracle eBusiness Suite, Fusion Apps, PeopleSoft, and other software applications with relevant training materials, including work instructions, simulations, and videos, available right in the flow of work.
But don’t take our word for it – watch our webinar where guest presenters Debra Riley, Technology Training Systems Administrator, and Ursula Boudreaux, Training Systems Manager at Crowley Maritime Corporation, shared their experience using uPerform over the years to successfully prepare and support employees during software rollouts and upgrades. By watching the webinar you’ll learn the benefits Crowley experiences from creating, managing, and distributing content for Oracle and other enterprise applications in the single uPerform-hosted repository.
Miss our last webinar? Managing eLearning courses in uPerform with or without an LMS webinar recording, Q&A transcript, and related videos are available on our Intelligence Hub here.